Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to the Health & Business Wellness Program

    2. How to use this course

    3. Health Questionnaire

    4. Business Questionnaire Introduction

    5. About Your Business: Questionnaire

    6. Commitment to Be Your BEST

    7. Health & Business Wellness Program Workbook (download/printable)

    8. "Introductory" ZOOM Session

    1. Welcome to Your First Lesson

    2. Getting Started with DISC

    3. Health - How to Eat for Optimal Function

    4. Health - How to Make a Meal Plan

    5. Business - Behavior Presentation

    6. DISC Bookmark

    7. Business - How to Use DISC in the Workplace & Life

    8. Business & Health Behavior - Test Your Knowledge

    9. Wrap Up & What's Next

    10. Business & Health Behavior Chapter Survey

    11. Weekly ZOOM Session - Business & Health Behavior

    1. Health - BIOMARKER Tracking Chart with BMI Table

    2. Health - Reading Food Labels

    3. Health - How to Read Food Labels Video

    4. How to Read Food Labels Worksheet

    5. How to use the Module Reading & Application Exercise Documents

    6. Business - Sigmoid Curve Module Reading & Application Exercise

    7. Business - Mindset Presentation

    8. Business - Identify YOUR Areas of Awesome

    9. Business - 10 Goal Method Module Reading & Application Exercise

    10. Business - 3 Eyes of a Business Owner Explained

    11. Mindset & Labels - Test Your Knowledge

    12. Wrap Up & What's Next

    13. Mindset & Labels Chapter Survey

    14. Weekly ZOOM Session - Mindset & Reading Labels

    1. Health - Planning and Dinning Out

    2. Health - Eating Out at Restaurants Video

    3. Fast Food Options Worksheet

    4. Eating Out at Restaurants Worksheet

    5. Business - Strategic Plan Presentation

    6. Business - Get Clarity Worksheet

    7. Simon Sinek - What is Your Why Video

    8. Business - Create Your Strategic Plan Module Reading & Application Exercise

    9. Business - Stay Focused Worksheet

    10. Strategic Plan & Strategy to Eat on the Go - Test Your Knowledge

    11. Wrap Up & What's Next

    12. Strategic Plan & Eating on the Go Survey

    13. Weekly ZOOM Session - Strategic Plan & Eating on the Go

    1. Health - Exercise & Body Composition

    2. Health - Introduction to Workouts & Worksheets

    3. Physical Activity Level 3 Workout Samples

    4. Physical Activity Level 4 Workout Samples

    5. Health - Chest/Shoulder/Triceps Workout Demonstration

    6. Health - Legs Workout Demonstration

    7. Health - Back/Biceps Workout Demonstration

    8. Business - Metrics Presentation

    9. Business - Profit & Loss vs. Balance Sheet Simplified

    10. Business - Way to Wealth Demonstration

    11. Business - Know Your Business Module Reading & Application Exercise

    12. Business - KRIs, KPIs, all these Buzzwords Oh MY!

    13. Exercise Your Metrics & Maximize Your Body Potential Test Your Knowledge

    14. Wrap Up & What's Next

    15. Metrics & Exercise Lesson Survey

    16. Weekly ZOOM Session - Metrics & Exercise

    1. Health - Stress Management

    2. Health - Manage Your Stress

    3. Business - Customers Presentation

    4. Business - Study Your Competition Module Reading & Application Exercise

    5. Business - Know Your Customers Module Reading & Application Exercise

    6. Business - Identify Your Customers/Target Market

    7. #5 Identify Your Customers & Your Stressors - Test Your Knowledge

    8. Wrap Up & What's Next

    9. Identify Your Customers & Identify Your Stressors Survey

    10. Weekly ZOOM Session - Customers & Stress Management

About this course

  • $1,449.00
  • 104 lessons
  • 5 hours of video content