Your Facilitators

Dennis Stetzel

EXECUTIVE BUSINESS COACH Dennis Stetzel is the co-owner of ResultsXtreme Business Solutions. Dennis’ passion for business coaching, executive training and helping others to be successful began in the US Navy when he was offered the opportunity to attend a series of courses in Total Quality Management. He continued to study the work of Dr. W.E. Deming, eventually becoming a Certified Trainer of Total Quality Management and a Trainer of TQM Trainers.

Trisha Stetzel

BUSINESS COACH & ENTREPRENEUR Trisha Stetzel, US Navy Veteran, is the co-owner of ResultsXtreme Business Solutions, helping entrepreneurs and small to mid-sized business owners find their focus and remove the roadblocks in the way of their success. Trisha has twelve years of experience owning, growing, and managing multiple small businesses.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the 6-Week Business Growth Academy

    2. How to use this course

    3. About Your Business: Questionnaire

    4. Commitment to Be Your BEST

    5. Business Growth Academy Program Workbook (download/printable)

    1. Welcome to Your First Lesson - What to Expect

    2. Getting Started with DISC

    3. Business - Behavior Presentation

    4. DISC Bookmark

    5. Business - How to Use DISC in the Workplace & Life

    6. Business Communications & Behavior - Test Your Knowledge

    7. Business Communications & Behavior Survey

    8. Weekly ZOOM Session - Business Behavior

    1. Lesson #2 Mindset - What to Expect

    2. How to use the Module Reading & Application Exercise Documents

    3. Business - Sigmoid Curve Module Reading & Application Exercise

    4. Business - Mindset Presentation

    5. Business - Identify YOUR Areas of Awesome

    6. Business - 10 Goal Method Module Reading & Application Exercise

    7. Business - 3 Eyes of a Business Owner Explained

    8. Mindset - Test Your Knowledge

    9. Mindset Chapter Survey

    10. Weekly ZOOM Session - Mindset

    1. Lesson #3 Your Plan - What to Expect

    2. Business - Strategic Plan Presentation

    3. Business - Get Clarity Worksheet

    4. Simon Sinek - What is Your Why Video

    5. Business - Create Your Strategic Plan Module Reading & Application Exercise

    6. Business - Stay Focused Worksheet

    7. Personal Strategic Plan - Test Your Knowledge

    8. Personal Strategic Plan Survey

    9. Weekly ZOOM Session - Personal Strategic Plan

    1. Lesson #4 Metrics - What to Expect

    2. Discover Your Business Growth Score!

    3. Business - Metrics Presentation

    4. Business - Profit & Loss vs. Balance Sheet Simplified

    5. Business - Way to Wealth Demonstration

    6. Business - Know Your Business Module Reading & Application Exercise

    7. Business - KRIs, KPIs, all these Buzzwords Oh MY!

    8. Metrics Test Your Knowledge

    9. Metrics Lesson Survey

    10. Weekly ZOOM Session - Metrics

    1. Lesson #5 Customers - What to Expect

    2. Business - Customers Presentation

    3. Business - Study Your Competition Module Reading & Application Exercise

    4. Business - Know Your Customers Module Reading & Application Exercise

    5. Business - Identify Your Customers/Target Market

    6. #5 Identify Your Customers - Test Your Knowledge

    7. Identify Your Customers Survey

    8. Weekly ZOOM Session - Customers

About this course

  • $1,250.00
  • 62 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content